(New Post) : The Kreativ Blog Award

By: Cynthia Ann Katon-Alfonso

May 20 2012

Category: Award, The Kreativ Blog Award


Last April 21, I was nominated by Wendell A. Brown @http://foreverpoetic.me/  for a Kreativ Blog Award.  Wendell’s site is special.  It is filled with lovely, inspirational poems that soothe the heart and soul.  His poetry bursts with spirituality, with profound love for God,  and sincere affections for his spouse.  Thank you Wendell for this touching gift which I am grateful for!  This award means a lot to me for what it represents–  the creative spirit that touches many hearts,  minds and souls each day with words,  videos and photographs that we all share.  It is this creative spirit that sustains and contributes to the optimism,  which we enjoy giving and receiving in this blogging community.

I would also like to thank everyone of you for friendship,  for visiting,  commenting and following; and for inspiring me to constantly hone my creativity.

For this award,  I’m supposed to list seven interesting things about me then pass the award to seven people:

1.  I’m a night owl.  I am most creative and productive at night.

2.  I am a mother of two wonderful children who are also dog lovers like me.

3.  I am originally from Puerto  Princesa City,  where I was born and raised till my High School years,  but my paternal ancestors trace their roots in Arcos,  Spain.

4.  I used to sing in the church choir with the soprano group.

5.  I did volunteer work for street kids and out- of- school youth during Feeding Programs and Vacation Bible Schools.

6.  I am a homemaker and a gardener who loves to cook, scribble words and travel occasionally.

7.  I am a Believer who loves my God,  people, nature and who respects the sanctity of life.

To the Seven Most Creative Bloggers that I have chosen,  remember to follow the same rules I did.  Publish your post,  put the badge on your side bar  (mine is top, center, because I’m exercising my creativity),  name your seven things,  and list your seven bloggers that you want to recognize along with their sites,  and then  let them know  and let me know too.

Here are my Seven Chosen Blogs:

winloseordraw.http://winloseordraw.wordpress.com/   Reclaiming drawing as a hobby, one doodle at a time.

Liza fills,feels and falls for the silence @http://lizawrites.wordpress.com/   Touches on personal experiences and lessons in communication arts, relationships and perceptions.

Andy 1076 @http://dragoneystory.wordpress.com/   Tells of his personal life experiences a bit at a time.

 Leamuse @http://foundinfrance.wordpress.com/   Musings of an ex-pat in France, impressive travel posts and photography.

Trevi Bennett@http://kayarebel.com/   Empowering healing in each individual through therapeutic visual arts and awesome paintings.

The Silver Poet@http://silverpoetry.wordpress.com/   Silver thoughts in artistic forms.

Sarah Martin@http://www.sarahpo.com/   Goodies and Art Illustrations with cheery accent.

19 comments on “(New Post) : The Kreativ Blog Award”

  1. Congratulations, Cynthia!! How lovely for you–and so wonderful for us to learn a bit about you!! Thanks also for sharing links to other great blogs. God bless your day abundantly–hugs to you and the kids! love, sis Caddo

    • Thank you Caddo for being my cheer leader in this blogging world, you are a blessing and inspiration to me, my dear sis. God bless you abundantly!.

      • Oh my goodness! The amazing thing, Cynthia, is that the more I give, the more God pours it back onto me–truly the circle of His loving grace and joy! (And I’ve met the most wonderful people who I wouldn’t have had opportunity to, otherwise–like YOU!!) Wishing you a terrific week ahead, much-blessed by Him.

  2. Congratulations, Cynthia, you are very deserving and it’s fun to read more about you. I share the same info with #’s 2,4,6 & 7! 🙂 Have a wonderful and Blessed Sunday! xoxo

  3. Congratulations, Cynthia! A very well deserved award! And thank you for telling us something about yourself so we get to know you a little better as well!

    Ciao, Francina xox

  4. Cynthia, thanks for the blessing of your comments! They made my spirit and also my face smile. You are so deserving because of your gift of poetry and images that impregnate our world often leaving a very deep impression that lasts! You deserved the honor! I want you to congratulate you again and also the nominees that you have chosen…they are all very talented! May more blessings aboud this coming week for you! Thanks for all you have done for me my sister!

  5. congratulations, Cynthia! your blog is truly amazing and creative!

  6. Congratulations! 🙂

  7. Congratulatons Cynthia you are so deserving and a very blessed individual! I am just proud to know you!

  8. Congratulations! And thank you very much for passing this on to me 🙂

  9. Congratulations, and thank you again for thinking of me! Now that I am moved in to my new place, I can get back into blogging. I should have a post for this award soon. Yay for creativity!

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